Patagonia, Chile (May)          岩手山 Iwate-San (Aug.)


平ヶ岳 Hiragatake (Oct.)       苗場山 Naeba-Yama (Nov.)


洋一は引き続き情報基盤センター長として、法人化と格闘しております。二人で百名山に登り、洋一 98/100、澄子 47/100 を達成しました。

                           2005 年1月元旦

岡部 洋一


Merry Christmas and

A Happy New Year


April 2004 would be the greatest turning point of all national universities in Japan, because they moved to independent administrative institutions (agencies). At this moment, Yoichi was still a director of Information Technology Center of the university. He was asked to organize computerized office and e-learning system of whole university. However, the biggest problem is uncooperative attitude of staffs and professors who stick to older system.


Yoichi and Sumiko were still enjoying walking and mountain hiking. Among “100 famous mountains in Japan” Yoichi climbed 3 more and the total is 98 within the reach to the final goal. Sumiko conquered 7 more and now 47.


This year, we seldom traveled overseas because of Sumiko’s mother’s disease. Yoichi alone visited Patagonia, Chile for attending an academic meeting. It took about 50 hours gate-to-gate, but the sceneries were so dramatic. He enjoyed lots of gigantic rocks and a blue glacier.


All of us are healthy and active for everything.  We also wish you and your family a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

December 2004


        Yoichi and Sumiko, OKABE


Office of Yoichi: Information Technology Center,

The University of Tokyo,

2-11-16, Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8658

  Tel: +81-3-5841-2700   Fax: +81-3-5841-2708
