Angkor WatMay      Mt. Tomuraushi トムラウシ山(July




At Mt. Kitadake, 2nd highest Mt.         Kyoto 京都Nov.

ブロッケン現象、北岳Sept.)            .



洋一は放送大学で引き続き活躍しています。一緒に登山を楽しみ、澄子は大雪山、トムラウシ山、北岳などと百名山の81/100 を達成しました。

                             2009 1月元旦


                        岡部 洋一


Merry Christmas and

A Happy New Year



Yoichi is still in charge of a vice president of the Open University of Japan. His job was originally promotion of Information Technology, especially in the field of education. But now it was expanded quite a lot. Next year National Institute of Multimedia Education, where he was a vice president in 2006, will join to our university, and he is now preparing for that from his previous experience. He is also struggling to prepare a new course of 10,000 students and also to found a doctor course, in his university.


Sumiko visited 8 more mountains with him and completed 81 ones among a Hundred Mountains in Japan. We had lots of travels. This year, we visited Angkor Wat in Cambodia, and Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, and Halong Bay in Vietnam.

Our grandson. becomes 1 yr and 3 month old. He joined with a nursery and is not only enjoying there but also catching lots of diseases.


All of us are essentially healthy and active for everything.  We also wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.


December 2008


        Yoichi and Sumiko, OKABE